Past Comments
May 13, 2011 From Paddy Logan, Humanistic & Integrative psychotherapist, Dublin.
Anyway I thought I would email you just to say I found your site on the net just a short while ago and the content is very interesting and useful to anyone with an interest in the character defences. So thanks for taking the trouble to set it up.
I am a humanistic & Integrative therapist working in Dublin and my partner and I provide therapists with an introductory course to working with the structures and I’m sure they would find your site worth a visit. So hopefully it will stay up and I will recommend it to participants when we return to working with them is September.
June 17th From Jim Morris
I'm going to make this a very short note. I happened upon your website recently by putting into "Google" the following: Ventral Vagal I was preparing a presentation I was doing at a conference focusing on combining Equine and Somatic Psychotherapy. I just simply want to say what an incredible effort you have put into this. I literally spent hours on your site. Even after doing a couple year program (Somatic Psychotherapy) I thoroughly enjoyed how well you explain some of the concept. Thank you for all of your efforts, so informative.