Syndrome of Disrupted Homeostasis

Syndrome of Disrupted Homeostasis (SODH) is a term coined by Robert Scaer MD to describe many diseases that are characterized by an alternation between an exaggerated sympathetic response and an exaggerated dorsal vagal response. Each swing of the pendulum 'causes' the return swing, but instead of increasingly smaller swings, the swings become greater over time. This causes symptoms to appear and disappear, to vary in intensity, and to vary in location. Eventually static and unchanging organ damage occurs.

Allopathy accepts this late organ damage in its disease model, but strangely rejects the previous pendulating period, even though it is becoming the main mode of sufferring in our age. Severe intense interventions aimed at symptoms may actually increase dysregulation. Chronic opiate use only masks the process and contributes to increased myofascial pain in the long-run. Women experience SODH about 2:1 over men. This could because lesser muscle mass on average decreases the capacity for muscular armor to absorb trauma, and therefore increases the liklihood of autonomic dysregulation.

Reperfusion Cycle

A common mechanism of damage is an alternation between periods sympathetic overdrive with insufficient blood flow (ischemia) followed by a parasympathetc rebound engorgement. This causes reperfusion injury. The absence of oxygen and nutrients from blood during the ischemic period creates a condition in which the restoration of circulation results in inflammation and oxidative damage through the induction of oxidative stress rather than restoration of normal function.

At a visible surface, evidence of reperfusion injury is an unblanching redness when pressed. For instance, with 'bedridden' patients, it is known that unblanching redness is the first stage of a bedsore. First comes a lack of circulation due to pressure, followed by a reperfusion injury. Because of tissue injury an inflammatory response ensues. 'Autoimmune' disorders are in some instances related to this inflammatory response. Psoriasis is an example of a visible disorder that waxes and wanes, is affected by stress, and the basic symptom, overgrowth of the skin cells, arises because of a localized immune response in the skin. One can imagine similar processes occuring less visibly within internal tissues. Auto-immune diseases are known to be associated with a sympathetic shift, emotional suppression, and a history of trauma.

Syndromes of Disrupted Homeostasis

Manifestation Mechanism
Gastroesphageal Reflux This is where acid flows back from the stomach into the esophagus which unlike the stomach, is not lined in a way that resists acid, so damage and pain results. It may be thought that the sphincter has become incapitated. But the spincter is supposed to open when food goes from esophagus to stomach and close when the stomach contracts. The problem is one of mis-coordination, an autonomic problem.
Ulcers Ulcers have long been associated with stress by everyday observation. In the modern era, where strong attempts are being made to rehabilitate stress as good, other causes are being blamed.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis The basic cycle is between ischemia and reperfusion engorgement and inflammation. Think of the damage that arises when frostbitten tissue thaws. The ischemic periods are not recognized often and are seen as 'good' periods or remissions. The reperfusion periods cause irritation and diarrhea and intense pain, and are seen as the flare-ups.
Interstitial Cystitis Most symptoms are ultimately from inflammation, which is caused by reperfusion after ischemia.
Asthma Asthma has been intuitively understood to be related to stress for a long time. The exact mechanism is still obscure. Perhaps the bronchiolar walls are supposed to constrict and expand slightly rhythmically to aid the breathing mechanism, and if this gets out of balance, asthma results. Chronic hyperventilation also plays a part.
Mitral Valve Prolapse This can sometimes be a structural defect but is most commonly caused by a discoordination between the chambers of the heart, and high blood pressure.
Fibromyalgia This is an extremely complex syndrome which is also extremely common. The progressive myofascial shortening and stiffening effects causing pain, and dorsal vagal symptoms are most credited, but impaired interpersonal relationships probably stem from unappreciated chronic fight or flight effects on the limbic system.
Migraines A period of vascular insufficiency (usually in one side of the brain) causes 'aural' symptoms and then vascular engorgement follows a s a rebound and causes the pain. Ironically, the aural symptoms would be worrisome for a stroke in todays contest of heightened awareness of early stroke signs, were they not to occur in this context.